Brand Assets | AltusHost
  • Altushost
  • Altus Host
  • Altus host
  • Altus-Host

How our logo looks like


What are our Colors

C: 19%
M: 99%
Y: 97%
K: 10%

R: 184
G: 26
B: 25

C: 0%
M: 0%
Y: 0%
K: 0%

R: 0
G: 0
B: 0


What is do and dont’s when it comes to our logo and name.

The AltusHost brand name and logo are proprietary and protected under intellectual property laws.

Please don’t display our logo in a way that implies a relationship, affiliation, or endorsement by AltusHost to your product, service, or business.

Please don’t combine the AltusHost logo with any other logos and graphics without written consent from AltusHost.

Please don’t use our name and/or logo in any way that confuses AltusHost with another brand.

Please don’t alter these files in any way. Do not change the design, scale, or colour of the AltusHost marks without our written consent.

Please don’t use the AltusHost marks as part of your own product, business, or service’s name.

Please only use the AltusHost logo versions uploaded on this page, and only the colour versions specified here.



You can download EPS or PNG, SVG files. Please don’t alter the AltusHost logo.